Eco-Friendly Cleaning Services in Denver, CO
Mon - Friday: 8am - 5pm
With an eye for detail and a commitment to sustainability, Environ Green Cleaning Co. creates cleaner, greener spaces for homes and businesses.
Our Services
Deep/Initial Clean
Estimate Required
(Inside of appliances for an additional $35 fee)
Kitchen; including deep cleaning of the outside of cabinets, and outside of appliances.
Stove tops
Stove hoods
Overall deep dusting
Cleaning of blinds
High dusting of cobwebs
Cleaning of lighting fixtures
Cleaning of the walls
Baseboards and inside of window sills
Windows and doors
Door knobs, light switches, & outlets
Vacuuming and hand-vacuuming of small crevices
*Other requests can be accommodated within reason
Routine Cleaning (Upkeep)
Kitchen (spot cleaning of cabinets on routine cleanings)
Regular dusting
Spot cleaning inside of windows
Spot cleaning fans and baseboards
Handvacing small crevices
Oven Interior: 35$ Add-on Fee
Fridge Interior: 35$ Add-on Fee
Our Team
Katia Hernandez & Yuneisi Quintana
We’re an eco-friendly housekeeping service, we take pride in our work and personalize and cater cleanings to each and every client, as every client’s home has different needs. My sister Katia and I have been in the cleaning business for about 4 years.
We started cleaning for a small business and decided we’d venture out and start our own. We learned a lot from our previous experiences and continue to grow. We get joy from our clients getting home to a clean, healthy, and fresh-smelling home after a long day. We chose eco-friendly products for the health of our clients, the environment, and ourselves. We reuse our bottles, use eco-friendly sponges that are biodegradable, and microfiber towels to reduce the waste of paper towels.
We really enjoy cleaning and hope to continue to bring tranquility with a clean space for our clients. We invite you to join our community and enjoy a luxury, professional housekeeping experience with us!
Thank you for choosing Environ Green Cleaning!